6 tips for decorating the perfect office space

Now I am not a designer nor am I an architect, I’m an office leasing agent. This means I may not be your number one person to ask for advice in relation to coming up with design tips to bring your office space to life.

However, with 15 years experience in the industry, I have seen quite a few offices.

So what I can give you is a few of my design tips that may brighten your office space but, more importantly, will not cost you too much when it comes to making good at the end of your office lease.

1. Carpet

If you have the choice, go with a carpet tile. It ‘s much easier and cheaper replacing a damaged carpet tile than replacing all the carpet in the office because of a bad spill or the like.

2. Reception area

Rather than create a reception area with solid plasterboard walls, why not hang a funky curtain on a rail or something similar to separate the space? It can look good if done right and is cheap to remove.

3. Add some greenery with plants

You really can’t go past greenery in your office. I have seen offices that have completely transformed their space with these.

They brighten up your space, make people happier and are also cost effective.

The only word of warning is to be sure the plant is potted correctly to avoid any dampness, soil or water on the carpet below.

Plants brighten up your space, make people happier and are also cost effective.

4. Painting and use of colour

Leave the walls white to avoid repainting at the end of your lease. Instead, use colour around the office with furniture items or workstations.

You can do this by choosing coloured dividers in your workstations, a tip is to keep them low to encourage natural light and allow employees to interact with one another.

5. Artwork

Here is another great, semi-permanent way to brighten your office.

These days, you can pick up framed prints for a reasonable price that will not break the budget. Opt for prints that will not date, and remember to use removable hooks when you hang them.

6. Staff breakout area

With many people working long hours and employers conscience of WH&S standards, it is important staff are comfortable in their working environment.

A good way to do this is with a dedicated space where team members can be away from their computers but still in the office.

It’s a good idea to give team members somewhere to be away from their computers.

I have seen pool tables, foosball tables and TVs to name but a few in this space. However, a simple table and chairs or a couch works wonders for office moral and also breaks up the space.

So, there you have my tips to brighten your office. With the emphasis placed on making good at the end of your lease term, all are easily implemented and cost effective. Happy decorating.