Melbourne’s much-loved Cherry Bar in search for new home

Melbourne’s renowned Cherry Bar will move from AC/DC Lane after almost 20 years.
Melbourne’s renowned Cherry Bar will move from AC/DC Lane after almost 20 years.

Iconic Melbourne live music and entertainment venue Cherry Bar is on the move, announcing a city-wide search for a new home and revealing it will leave AC/DC Lane early this year.

The bar’s co-owner James Young says he is in “serious negotiation” with 10 venues about a move to a new location, which he says is the only way to keep the bar alive.

Cherry Bar will close in its current form on March 19, Young says, with new owners to take over the renowned basement space and “do something very different”.

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The bar has played host to big-name acts over the years, including the Black Keys, but is equally well-known as the venue where the famous come to party.

It counts Jack Black, Guns N’ Roses’ Axl Rose and The Arctic Monkeys amongst its clientele, and famously knocked back Lady Gaga’s request to host an event there, instead honouring its existing booking – a two-piece band from regional Victoria.

Cherry Bar Melbourne

The grungy but much-loved interior of Cherry Bar will be no more. Picture: Facebook

Young is at pains to stress that Cherry Bar is not closing, but moving in order to save it, and urged patrons to “watch this space” as the hunt for a new space continues.

“THIS is how we are saving Cherry. By moving Cherry,” Young writes in a post on the bar’s Facebook page.

“Change or die. We have to move.”

“Cherry has not been sold. Cherry is moving so that it can survive long term and continue to host, support and love the best music in the world, local live music!

“It is my intention to take the name, the staff and the sticky carpet to a new Melbourne address with a long lease and a safe and secure future for live local music and late night rock n roll revelry.”

The bar is now spruiking a 10-week farewell party as it prepares to vacate its longtime home.