Spraggon George Realty - Duncraig

Spraggon George Realty - Duncraig

10/12 Davallia Road, Duncraig, Duncraig, WA 6023

James CornellRosemary GeorgeAlla Torgasheva

Spraggon George Realty - Duncraig's market performance

Property insights in the last 24 months on realcommercial.com.au

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About the agency

In 1996 Spraggon George Realty was established as a boutique style agency specialising in tailored real estate management and marketing.

The group of professional, service oriented real estate specialists has grown into a team of 11 staff and now offers a full suite of marketing, management, valuations and consultancy services across every real estate sector.

Call us to discuss your real estate requirements

Spraggon George Realty - Duncraig

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