Professionals Robert Sharp Real Estate - Beverly Hills
Pamela Brookewood

Pamela Brookewood

Director at Professionals Robert Sharp Real Estate - Beverly Hills

44 years experience

Pamela Brookewood's properties

Properties currently listed by Pamela Brookewood.

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About Pamela Brookewood

44 years experience

For over 30 years, Pamela has been an integral part of the team at Robert Sharp. Coming from an accounting background, Pamela has headed our property management team.Dealing in both residential and commercial properties, Pamela has a long list of very loyal clients.

Pamela is a Licensed Real Estate Agent, a member of the Real Estate Institute who has achieved a Distinction in her Diploma for Advanced Real Estate. Other Certificates achieved from the Real Estate Institute include Legalities of Retail Leasing, Advanced Property Management & Leasing, Continuing Professional Development, Sales Development and Taxation - Workshop & Seminar.

Professionals Robert Sharp Real Estate - Beverly Hills

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