Ray White Highton - HIGHTON
Nikolett Pesti

Nikolett Pesti

Head of Operations at Ray White Highton - HIGHTON

16 years experience

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About Nikolett Pesti

16 years experience

Nikolett Pesti is a highly respected real estate agent with over 16 years of experience in the industry. Driven by a passion for property and equipped with outstanding people skills, she is known for her bubbly and friendly nature. She approaches every client with unwavering commitment, making sure that the experience is a comfortable, honest, and rewarding one.

Having moved from Europe to Australia, Nikolett spent her teenage years in Highton before moving to the Bellarine. Starting her career straight out of school, Nikolett has always been hardworking and dedicated to her craft. She studied Building Design to gain a deeper understanding of the construction and design side of the industry. She believes that having extensive knowledge in these areas is pivotal in helping clients buy and sell their homes.

Nikolett places a premium on exceptional results, working tirelessly to deliver the outcome that her clients desire. Her deep commitment to each client is at the heart of her work, and she will not rest until they achieve their real estate goals.

In addition to her love for real estate, Nikolett has a deep affection for food and restaurants. She's always up for trying the latest culinary trends and exploring new eateries. She is also an animal lover and a member of World Animal Protection, donating to various animal charities whenever she can. Nikolett owns two Great Danes and a crazy Miniature Pinscher, who keep her busy when she's away from the office.

Nikolett is dedicated to providing a top-class real estate experience for every client she works with. If you're looking for a reliable, passionate, and knowledgeable real estate agent, look no further!

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Ray White Highton - HIGHTON

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