One Commercial - SYDNEY
Brendan Sarroff

Brendan Sarroff

Director I Commercial & Industrial Sales & Leasing at One Commercial - SYDNEY

9 years experience

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About Brendan Sarroff

9 years experience

With over 10 years of experience as an active real estate agent in the vibrant Sydney and Hunter Regions, Brendan has gained extensive expertise and a deep understanding of the industry. Throughout his career, he has had the privilege of collaborating with renowned developers, investors and tenants across New South Wales.

His skill set covers all facets of the real estate realm, including sales, leasing, and property management. He possess comprehensive knowledge across various sectors, including commercial, industrial, and capital markets. His diverse expertise enables him to cater to a wide range of clients and effectively navigate the complexities of each sector.

He has developed a keen understanding of specific requirements and expectations. He prides himself on delivering exceptional service and building strong, lasting relationships with clients. Whether it's identifying sales opportunities, negotiating leasing agreements, or efficiently managing properties, He strives to exceed expectations and maximize results.

Brendan's experience in the industry has equipped him with a unique insight into the local market dynamics, enabling him to provide informed advice and tailored solutions. With a commitment to professionalism, integrity, and client satisfaction, Brendan is dedicated to delivering outstanding outcomes and helping clients achieve their real estate goals.

One Commercial - SYDNEY

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