Raine & Horne - Maclean, Yamba, Iluka
Travis McConnell

Travis McConnell

Director & Auctioneer at Raine & Horne - Maclean, Yamba, Iluka

24 years experience

About Travis McConnell

24 years experience

23 years experience

Travis was born on the Lower Clarence and have lived in Maclean and surrounding suburbs for all of his life. He started in Real Estate back in 2000 as a property manager, and after two years learning the basics, he progressed to sales. Travis was privileged to work under a very experienced team of successful sales men and women and to this day still work with the majority of that initial team. He has enjoyed his long term working life with the business and believe that the high quality real estate service distinguished by its honesty, integrity and professionalism are the focus for him to provide a service second to none.

As a qualified practicing auctioneer, Travis regularly volunteers his auctioneer services for local fund raising and community events. Externally from work he enjoys fishing on the Clarence River, riding his beloved motorbike and spending time with his family, life’s pretty good on the Lower Clarence.


  • The longest servicing continual ownership Real Estate Agency in Maclean and on the Lower Clarence.
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Raine & Horne - Maclean, Yamba, Iluka

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