Crystal Realty - Newtown
Angela Lytsioulis

Angela Lytsioulis

Senior Property Manager/Sales Manager at Crystal Realty - Newtown

About Angela Lytsioulis

Angela Lytsioulis commenced her Real Estate career with Crystal Realty when she was just 18 years of age. She has steadily worked her way up through various roles in the office, starting from Reception through to now being a Senior Property Manager, Sales Manager and Accounts Manager.

Each property that she has looked after, whether it be an investment property or a property for sale, she has always treated the property as if it were her very own. Working to achieve the highest standards of service, providing her Landlords, Tenants, Vendors and Purchasors the very best of herself.

Angela is always willing and available to be of service to existing and new clients alike, in turn offering them the holisitic service that they deserve.

Crystal Realty - Newtown

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