Raine & Horne Commercial - Wollongong
Mathew Ivanoff

Mathew Ivanoff

Director at Raine & Horne Commercial - Wollongong

23 years experience

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About Mathew Ivanoff

23 years experience

A sales professional with over 16-years’ experience, Mathew’s drive and consummate professionalism has helped establish Raine & Horne’s Wollongong office as one of the strongest real estate performers in the state. Possessing a strong customer focus and the type of intricate knowledge and experience demanded of the modern real estate practitioner, his unwavering dedication and diligence are consistently responsible for ensuring the highest possible levels of client satisfaction.

“To me, real estate is all about having that all-important hands-on approach, keeping your feet on the ground and meeting new people,” says Mathew. “It’s pretty basic, but it’s what genuinely excites me and inspires me to get out of bed every day. I also love the highly rewarding challenge of maintaining our property management and sales divisions, as well as making sure that our valued clients achieve everything that they’re hoping for.”

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Raine & Horne Commercial - Wollongong

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