Barry Plant  - Waverley
Angela Di Paolo

Angela Di Paolo

Assistant Sales Consultant at Barry Plant - Waverley

About Angela Di Paolo

Deriving from a strongly influenced upbringing and family presence in property, from a youthful age, I had developed an undying passion and adoration for real estate. In my early years, my weekends often consisted of display home visits, which were my idea of a dream playground.

In collaboration with my inherited infatuation with this world, there were other attributes which resonate with my personal character. To my core, I am a conversationalist who loves to connect with people. Taking opportunities to leave a positive and lasting imprint on others through our interactions, is something I seek for in each encounter. It is imperative to myself that I create relationships with people who can feel safe to come to me with anything and that feel protected under my wing. My interest in debate and negotiation, additionally confirmed that real estate is my perfect career. Studying legal studies in school and partaking in debating exercises, in and outside of the classroom, are recalled as some of my favourite memories.

Born and bred in the city of Monash, my personal connection to the region is second to none. The special place which the Monash district holds in my heart, effortlessly translates through to purchasers who are wanting to enter this scene.

Working prior in the property management sector, I have developed an immense knowledge for both worlds of real estate. Advantageously, I am able to communicate to clients with detailed information and valuable insight which they can utilise regarding the legalities and regulations involved in rentals to consider when making important decisions on their homes and assets. My extensive expertise in property management and sales, complemented with my personalised local awareness, testifies for the “red carpet experience” which Barry Plant is renowned for.

You can expect in your interactions with myself that you will experience transparent, truthful and thorough communication, a personalised approach and a proactive and tirelessly persistent attitude. I am extremely attentive to all clients in understanding their situations and needs and taking the extra step to ensure they are more than comfortable throughout the entire process and beyond. I will not stop working for you even after a job is done and that is the commitment I make to all my clients for the long haul.

Real estate to me is not just a job, or a career, or even a lifestyle. Property is in my blood and real estate is my oxygen.

Barry Plant


  • 2014, 2015 Top 10 Office
  • Australian Achiever
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Barry Plant  - Waverley

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