Assets Real Estate - Portland and Heywood
Ebony Nash

Ebony Nash

Director - Accounts Manager at Assets Real Estate - Portland and Heywood

18 years experience

About Ebony Nash

18 years experience

Ebony Nash is a Licensed Real Estate Agent, Director and Senior Property Manager of Assets Real Estate Portland & Heywood.

She began her Real Estate career in our marketing department and then moved into Property Management. After 9 years she decided to try selling properties! While Ebony loved sales, she was drawn back to Property Management and now leads our Property Management team with a wealth of knowledge.

Ebony is a great mentor to our team with her logical thinking, patience, multitasking skills, and strong work ethic.

She is easy to get along with, is understanding of people’s circumstances and strives to achieve a great outcome for all her clients.

Her excellent customer service skills come from her natural curiosity to listen and learn about the people she encounters.

With her many years in Real Estate she has been lucky enough to be guided by some great mentors and she looks forward using her knowledge to lead her team into the future and uphold the values of her business.


  • Rate My Agent - Suburb Winner - Heywood - 2017
Assets Real Estate - Portland and Heywood

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