Moving: time to review your energy needs

Moving a business is about as much fun as a trip to the dentist.

There is so much to do, so many things to juggle and getting everything to run to plan is as easy as herding a group of disinterested cats.

However a bit of pre-planning – ok, a lot of pre-planning – will reduce the headaches. And when it comes to utilities, a move can set your business up for greater success.

When it comes to utilities, a move can set your business up for greater success.

The key is to do most of the work before you move so that all you have to do at the other end is plug everything in, switch everything on and away you go.

So how do you do this?

1. Know your energy needs

Moving is a fantastic opportunity to take stock and rethink, and your energy use is no exception.

Don’t assume  your energy requirements will be the same at your new premises and definitely don’t assume you can just move all your equipment across.

Read more: Moving your office: more than just packing boxes

2. Work out who needs what

The best thing is to get a floorplan of the new building and map out where everyone will be sitting and think about what equipment they will need.

Map out where everyone will be sitting and think about what equipment they will need.

Will the new premises have enough power points or phone lines? Are the power points where you need them to be? Where will you plug in the photocopier or printer?

If you do need to install more power points or phone lines, make sure you organize this in advance of the move. Make sure you put new power points and phone lines in sensible places. Changing things after a move is costly and time consuming.

2. Out with the old, in with the new

Moving is a great time to review your energy and technology requirements.

Many offices are moving towards wireless technology, flexible working spaces and laptops instead of desktops. Moving time is the perfect opportunity to cast away the old and embrace the new.

Rather than lag old desktops and slow printers across to your new premises, can you upgrade and start afresh with new and better gear?

Can you upgrade and start afresh with new and better gear?

It pays to speak to your IT consultant before the move to see what’s possible for your business.

Upgrading your technology may not only save you space and money, it will also increase the flexibility of your workforce.

Read more: Moving: 5 ways to cut the cost of your office fitout

3. Review your energy costs

Even if you don’t want to change any equipment, moving is a great time to review your energy costs.

Rather than just let your energy provider transfer your utilities across, shop around a little. Are you getting a good deal? Could you do better?

There are plenty of energy aggregators that will allow you to compare quotes, or you can just go online to individual energy providers to get a sense of what is out there.

Who knows: you could save some money.

So good luck with the move and remember moving is like a long haul flight. The horrendous journey fades into insignificance once you arrive at your destination.