Kerrie Pollock

Kerrie Pollock


11 years experience

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About Kerrie Pollock

11 years experience

Kerrie Pollock is a country girl at heart, whose family have been farmers for over four generations. Having lived in North East Victoria nearly all her working life, Kerrie calls Chiltern home. Kerrie’s understanding of the local market, ability to build rapport and dedication to making her clients feel comfortable throughout the sales process is remarkable. She is one of the best-known and highly regarded agents around.

Kerrie began work in the real estate industry at twenty years of age and her passion for the industry has never waned. She was taught early on to treat others as she would like to be treated and that simple, straight up phrase has served her well in business and life in general. Kerrie is a lifestyle property expert, specialising in Chiltern, Rutherglen, Barnawartha and surrounds. Her frank, honest, professional approach has allowed her to achieve exceptional results and provide unrivalled service to her clients.


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