Hayden Real Estate - Ocean Grove
Jenny Dries

Jenny Dries

Senior Property Manager at Hayden Real Estate - Ocean Grove

About Jenny Dries

A ‘sea-changer’ from Melbourne, Jenny and her husband moved to Ocean Grove fourteen years ago for a more family-friendly lifestyle. With two kids and a dog in tow now, Jenny spends her (very limited) spare time coaching basketball and netball or walking the dog on the beach and tries to make it to F45 training as much as she can.

A dedicated and experienced property manager with an abundance of local knowledge, Jenny has been a tenant, vendor, and currently is a landlord of both residential and commercial investments. Providing exceptional service is one of Jenny’s hallmarks; maximising her landlords returns while ensuring their investments receive top-notch care and attention.

A lover of all things property related Jenny always jokes that when she retires she will run a B&B with an olive grove and horses as she doesn’t think she could stay away from the property investment market.

If you are interested in renting your property or in need of a property to rent, contact Jenny on 03 5255 1000.

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Hayden Real Estate - Ocean Grove

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