Nutrien Harcourts GDL - DALBY
Tony Lilburne

Tony Lilburne

Branch Manager & Rural Property Sales - Quilpie at Nutrien Harcourts GDL - DALBY

About Tony Lilburne

Tony has spent the bulk of his life in Western Queensland, born in Blackall and grew up in the Yaraka/Blackall district. After leaving the Southport School, he went Jackarooing in the Northern Territory and Haddon Rig NSW and to Isis Downs QLD. He was then involved in the management of three properties in Queensland, “Durella” Morven, “Mt Margaret” Quilpie and “Charlotte Plains” Cunnamulla and then onto Mundadoo in the Nyngan district, New South Wales. Tony joined the rural livestock and real estate agency in 2000 and for the past 17 years have been involved with livestock and property sales in the Quilpie district. Overall I’ve had 43 years involvement in the rural industry, 7 of which were spent in New South Wales.

Nutrien Harcourts GDL - DALBY

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