Professionals South West - Busselton
Judy Slieker

Judy Slieker

Sales Professional at Professionals South West - Busselton

40 years experience

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About Judy Slieker

40 years experience

I have been back as a property sales consultant with the Professionals team for the past 18 years. I first began selling real estate in Busselton in 1985 and since then, have been involved with my husband and our award winning building team company, Pentagon Homes, for 15 years, building over 2000 homes between 1985 and 2000 in the Shire of Busselton and surrounding areas. My husband John and I with our two sons have lived in Busselton for 36 years. Being a local has its advantages in knowing “the lay of the land”. I can offer you my immeasurable experience in sales, finance/banking, contracting and a wealth of knowledge in house design and construction which will most definitely aid my present and future clients. My well established team of colleagues in trades, building inspections, finance, architects, town planners, surveyors and many others that I liaise with to provide the extra service to achieve your sale whether buying or selling. I am known for my vibrant and welcoming personality and willingness to help people with all aspects of real estate requirements. Busselton is such a wonderful place to live, making my career enjoyable and rewarding. I look forward to assisting in the sale of your home or buying a new/established home, so pick up the phone and give me a call any time for a free appraisal and good sound real estate advice.


"We have found that Judy’s advice has always been invaluable given her many years of experience in real estate and building. Judy will go out of her way to help her clients achieve what is best for them. It has always been a pleasure to work with Judy when we have either purchased or sold a property". - M & J Higgins

"To whom it may concern,We have over the last twenty years or longer (time flies) always dealt with Judy when wanting to buy or sell a property. Judy is a true proffesional who loves people and her job. She puts in above and beyond effort wether its in or out of buisness hours. I would always recommend her to anyone wanting to deal in real estate matters". - Regards G & A Lang

"Judy Slieker was my chosen estate agent when I brought my last home. Judy listen to my wants and needs and went about finding me my perfect forever home. It only took a few weeks and I was buying. I am very grateful to Judy for her help and assistance. Judy was there to help and support me when I needed it most. I am still in love with my chosen home and location. Many thanks Judy". - M Guy


  • Numerous awards in sales as an real estate rep and sold in excess of 10 million dollars in sales club of WA.
  • Building achieved many WA gold key awards of excellence and a National Australian Award from 10,000 entries for best design and construct
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Professionals South West - Busselton

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