Hayden Real Estate - Ocean Grove
Shanae Lewis

Shanae Lewis

Sales Coordinator at Hayden Real Estate - Ocean Grove

About Shanae Lewis

Born and bred in Geelong, Shanae is a lover of all things coastal including walking on the beach and swimming in the summer! Having lived across Maude, Belmont, Highton & Torquay, Shanae has recently built and lives in Mount Duneed with her two fur babies Cardi & Tyga.

Shanae has worked within the real estate industry for over 5 years and has covered all things reception, rental secretary, property management and now sales coordinating! Her love for real estate flows on from her mother, who has an extensive career as a successful real estate agent.

She loves to tear up the basketball court on a weekend, as well as attending fun gym classes with her friends! A true lover of camping, Shane and her boyfriend often visit small country towns around Victoria to relax and unwind. Brunching with her friends over the weekend is also a must along our wonderful coast full of amazing cafes!

You can expect to hear from Shanae when you are dealing with the sale or purchase of a property. If you would like to contact Shanae please phone Hayden Ocean Grove on 03 5255 1000.

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