Blue Moon Property - Queensland
Wes Ratcliffe

Wes Ratcliffe

Principal | Maroochydore at Blue Moon Property - Queensland

About Wes Ratcliffe

Wes is an award winning salesperson having received numerous industry awards for the highest number of sales made in a calendar year along with various awards for excellence in marketing. Recognised and respected by fellow agents Wes has made many friends within the industry and is highly regarded amongst the Real Estate Agencies as being both a reliable and hard working agent.

In an industry that is considered to be a very competitive profession Wes has created a new way of doing business that ensures both the buyer and the seller are 100% happy with the sales process. A little bit of old fashioned service and a little bit of new fashioned service is the best way to explain it “I don’t think anything will ever replace picking up the phone and saying hello to my clients, both buyer and seller. Technology plays such a big role in so many areas of our lives these days, whilst I enjoy the benefits that technology has offered to our industry, I would rather make a personal phone call than send an email”.

The basic philosophy sits well with the Blue Moon Property Company principles. Grown from small beginnings 4 years ago when local agent Justin Voss started the first independent office in Sippy Downs, the Blue Moon Property business model does not have any Corporate by laws or Company style guides. As a result they are able to sit with each client individually and work with each clients needs individually.

Officially opening in July of 2014 the Maroochydore office location occupies one of the busiest locations in the Maroochydore CBD. The ongoing redevelopment of Ocean Street and the cosmopolitan vibe surrounding this location made it the obvious choice for Wes to operate from. ‘After looking at many locations the site was chosen due to the feel of the area. The profile for our business is amazing, but the vibe that surrounds Ocean Street at the moment was the main reason we chose this site”.

Wes is looking forward to the future with a very positive outlook. Feel free to call or drop in and say hello at any stage.

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Blue Moon Property - Queensland

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